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5 Best Places to visit in the Philippines

The Philippines is a melting pot of cultures, traditions, and events. The elements of a diverse country are blended to form its culture and identity. This country’s uniqueness is why many people come from abroad to explore the different cultures in the Philippines. If you’re a Filipino American, you’ve probably dreamed of visiting the Philippines at least once in your lifetime. No reason you shouldn’t—the country is full of beautiful beaches, historical sites, and exciting activities to choose from! 

Looking for the best place to visit in the Philippines? Whether it’s your first time or you’ve visited several times, these five places will make for an unforgettable experience.

1) Baler

Baler, a town on Luzon Island, is one of the best tourist places. The town is known for its natural beauty, historical sites, and proximity to one of the best beaches in Asia (Bacuit Bay). Baler is also famous for its annual Int’l Folk Festival, which takes place every June. The festival celebrates folk music and dance from all over the world.

Photo by Lou Martin on Unsplash
2) Bohol

Are you looking for a fun getaway in the Philippines? Bohol is a must-visit. With its beautiful beaches and charming colonial towns, this island is sure to bring back memories of your own time spent on the beach with your family. Bohol is one of the most beautiful places in the Philippines. It has been called the “Paradise Island” by many travelers who have visited it. Bohol has over 20 different beaches that are perfect for relaxing or swimming during your stay in this beautiful part of the world. One best way to explore Bohol is by going to one of its many attractions like Dalaguete Cathedral, Lapu-Lapu City, Cagbalete Beach, and Santo Nino Shrine (Itinerary)

Photo by Cyril Sieras on Unsplash
3) Siargao

Are you looking for a place to relax? Siargao is the place for you. It is one of the most lovely places in the Philippines and has a lot to offer tourists. You can do a lot of fun activities here, such as surfing, snorkeling, diving, and scuba diving. The beaches in Siargao are great for swimming, sunbathing, and playing beach volleyball. There are also many other things like visiting historical sites or museums.

Photo by Michael Louie on Unsplash
4) Sagada

You’ve got to be a little bit nuts to want to go on vacation in the Philippines, but if you’re looking for something different, Sagada is a great place to start. The history of this city is exciting and unusual—it’s one of the last places in the world where you can still see Stonehenge-like structures built by the Igorots, who were nomadic mountain tribes. It was also an essential stop along the Inca Trail and part of Spanish colonial control.

The views are incredible—the valley is surrounded by imposing mountains, and many hiking trails lead up into the hills above town. You can even visit a cave named after President Duterte! If you’re looking for more than just a relaxing time away from your everyday life, you can choose many activities like hiking or climbing (or even just hanging out on your couch watching Netflix). There’s also plenty of wildlife around—from monkeys and birds to snakes and lizards! And if all this wasn’t enough to convince you that going to Sagada is worth it… See the picture below to see how beautiful it truly is!

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash
5.) Baguio

As the city of snow, Baguio is a beautiful place to visit in your lifetime. You will surely enjoy the majestic view of the mountain and see how people live in this city. There are many historical sites in Baguio which are worth visiting. The most famous historical site is the Baguio Church. This church was built by Spanish missionaries and had been standing for more than 150 years. The National Museum of the Philippines has been declared a national heritage site. The church is lovely, with high walls and windows that let you see clearly inside even during rain or snowfall.

Another important historical site to visit is Fort William McKinley, where General Douglas MacArthur was born and raised. Americans built this fort after defeating Spain in 1898 during the Spanish-American War. The fort is now a museum where people can learn about its history and enjoy their time by looking at old documents or photos—things captured from the past when there were no cameras like today.

Photo by Jem Sahagun on Unsplash

Hopefully, you find this list helpful when planning your next vacation. Whether doing it for a quiet getaway or exploring the country’s different cultural and historical places, you’re guaranteed to be amazed by the depth of warmth and hospitality inherent to the Filipino people. The Philippines will always be where travelers come to rediscover their sense of amazement.

Let us know your experience if you visited one of these places. Otherwise, consider these places when planning your next trip to the Philippines.

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